Jen-Mae-Ka Kids
LaMancha and Saanen Dairy Goats
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We are a small but progressive herd of LaMancha and Saanen dairy goats located in North Eastern Kansas. Our herds are registered through the American Dairy Goat Association. We strive to breed and maintain healthy, productive goats whose genetics will contribute to and improve their respective breeds.
Our Herd at a Glance

Show Ring
Our herd has always performed well in the show ring with majority of our senior does earning their championships. We have also had several animals place and perform well at the ADGA National Show.

Milk Parlor
Our does are on DHIR milk testing. Majority quickly earn their advanced registry and milking star designations. Our does tend to produce well and work hard to put milk in the pail.

When the scheduling permits, we try to participate in linear appraisal. Numerous does have scored in the 90's throughout our career.
Jen-Mae-Ka Kids Dairy Goats

We love sharing our passion for goats with others. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or just to chat about our herd! Megan is the primary contact for the LaManchas and Jennifer for the Saanens. We are available via phone, e-mail or facebook messenger.
Thanks for visiting our site!